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White as Snow: Finding the Courage to Start Fresh

Writer's picture: Sarah Sisson RollandiniSarah Sisson Rollandini
Snowy village

On Wednesdays I pray for the world. Peace in areas of conflict. Wisdom, humility, and discernment for its leaders. Repentance and revival in the U.S.

Isaiah did the same for the Kingdom of Judah, whose people had turned their backs on Yahweh, choosing the ease of empty worship and blood sacrifices over walking in step with the one true God.

Come now, and let us reason together, Says the LORD, Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool. (Isaiah 1:18)

Snowy mountains with pine trees covered in snow

I love the invitation from the Almighty to come now and reason. He created us with an intellect and expects us to use it. When we spend as much time getting to know Him as we do scrolling TikTok or power shopping the clearance sales, we gain this precious insight: Following God's ways is reasonable, wise, and prudent; in fact, the very best way to live. When we draw close to our Father, we stop striving to construct our own gospels and yield to scriptural truth.

The truth that:

God knows better than we do.

His boundaries are for our good.

Obedience brings profound blessing.

Girl with pink boots, plaid coat, and gloves standing on snowy trail

In a world where our sinful nature is installed on parade floats and celebrated to the applause of adoring crowds, we're invited to hop off the crazy train and take our place at Jesus' feet.

We can stop pursuing what is popular and chase after what is good.

We can rest from figuring things out and trust what is written in scripture.

We can taste and see that the Lord is good by allowing Him to reign in our hearts and minds.

We can give joy a chance to flourish by truly surrendering to its giver.

Snowy building with large tree, bikes, and white lights

Waving the white flag of submission takes courage, my friends. It's not so much a new year's resolution as a daily declaration: There's immeasurably more to this world than the empty promises its selling.

Repentance is...

Relinquishing our rebellious nature daily

Elevating truth with grace in every conversation

Pleasing God over the court of public opinion

Accepting rejection

Prioritizing time spent in prayer and Bible study

Trusting the Lion of Judah to strengthen us in our weakness

African American woman with earmuffs and fur coat blowing hands full of snow

Repentance is as simple as a prayer: Lord, I'm a sinner. I know my selfishness gets in the way of a relationship with you. You died on the cross to restore our relationship. I give up my own will and accept you as the authority of my life. I'm going to mess up but my desire is to follow you every day. I trust you to guide me. Please cover me with Christ's righteousness like a blanket of new fallen snow. Thank you for loving me so much, Jesus!

If you're lucky enough to live in the north, like me, perhaps today you can gaze out your window at a snowfall that covers the earth like a wool blanket. The gauzy whiteness cloaks the decay of rotting leaves and dead grass and makes every branch sparkle.

Snowy forest with snow-covered railroad tracks

In such a wonderland, it's not difficult to imagine the perfection of heaven that transforms our hearts and, yes, awaits us at the end of our earthly journeys.

There is no crimson stain that cannot not be blotted out and redeemed by your personal acceptance of Jesus' unfathomable mercy and grace.


your pride

your short-temperedness

Your greed

your parenting failures

your drug dependency

your critical spirit

your sexuality

Your dishonesty

Your gossip

your idolatry

your self-righteousness

your porn addiction

your denial of God

your slander

your unfaithfulness to your spouse

your gender confusion

your jealousy

your hatred

your selfishness

And mine

Isaiah's admonition to the people of Judah in the 700's BC calls out to us in 2025.

Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD. Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool.

Woman in winter throwing snow up into the air

Imagine your shame--your regret--crushed under the weight of Christ's sacrifice.

Imagine yourself, wrapped in a robe of glistening porcelain.

Imagine starting each day afresh, rejecting the world's hollow offerings for Christ's abiding hope.

Imagine you. New.

Until next time.

Your Courage Cheerleader,

Sarah 📣


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