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Valentine or Chess Move: What Will You Do With Your Vote?

Writer's picture: Sarah Sisson RollandiniSarah Sisson Rollandini
Voting Booth, election day

A few weeks ago, I saw this meme circulating on Facebook:

Vote or valentine meme

I haven't stopped thinking about it since. Primarily because the people who've been posting it seem to be doing exactly that: confessing their love for a candidate based on charisma instead of competence. And also because it made me think, "What kind of a world do I want to live in?"

I have some thoughts.

A LOT of thoughts.

I want to live in a world where...

A vote is not a valentine, but an act of confidence in the candidate's ability to get the job done.

Voters know and care more about their candidate's stance on issues than which movie stars and musicians are propping up their campaigns.

Those who run for office are moral people.

There is less government and more freedom.

Smart economic policies provide opportunities for all to prosper.

Girl wrapped in U.S. flag

Our government is forced to balance the budget which consists of our money.

Every child has a mom and a dad who stay together forever.

Every person has enough to eat.

Every able person works.

Every person who can't work is cared for first by family and, if necessary, by a compassionate and sustainable civic support system.

Our borders are protected to keep people on both sides of the line safe.

Family of four, mom and dad with two kids

The power of science is recognized even when it's inconvenient, such as when a pregnant woman carries a human being with a beating heart and the ability to experience pain as well as when a person is born with XX or XY chromosomes, making them scientifically female or male.

Tiny human beings are not killed for convenience under the guise of reproductive freedom.

Every woman with an unplanned pregnancy is supported and the miracle growing inside her welcomed and celebrated.

Leaders who are "pro-choice" still condemn policies which allow killing babies up-to the moment of birth as well as leaving them to die after they are born following a botched abortion.

Every elderly person--every disabled person--is valued and cared for.

Every animal is treated humanely.

Pregnant woman holding ultrasound photo of her baby

The words woman, women, and mother are not replaced with gender-neutral gobbledygook but declared factually and proudly in all of our government documents and speech.

Mature adults never tell children that they are born in the wrong body.

Kids cannot access the harmful media that causes addiction, objectification of women, self hatred, and social contagion.

Doctors who've promised to "do no harm" do not mutilate children nor prescribe disease-inducing cross-sex hormones which shorten the lives of their patients.

Four children blowing bubbles together

There is no need to introduce oneself with pronouns.

Women can freely say that men are not women without shaming and reprisal.

Males who identify as female cannot enter female spaces such as restrooms, locker rooms, sports, domestic abuse shelters, and prisons.

The legacy media does not confuse everyone by referring to the above men as women.

All people receive the mental healthcare they need.

People live according to truth and common sense.

A boat sails past Statue of Liberty

The companies who grow our food and the agencies that oversee them place our citizens' health and wellness above profit.

Our farmland is preserved and local farmers assisted and supported.

The nuclear family is recognized as the best tool for building a stable and prosperous society.

Marriage and family are supported in our tax structures.

Children are not sexualized and exploited.

Having children is viewed as a hopeful investment in our future.

Christians are faithfully different and live without compromise.

Three people studying the Bible

The legacy media reports the news honestly and clearly without editorializing.

There is no need for conspiracy theories because there are no conspiracies.

No viewpoint is censored or cancelled, allowing the best ideas to rise to the top.

Racism, in any form, is not tolerated.

People of every walk of life recognize that we are all guilty of prejudice and therefore all responsible for working toward peace and reconciliation.

American citizens waving U.S. flags

US citizens are able to identify socialist, Marxist, and communist ideas.

US citizens are students of history and, therefore, reject the above ideas due to the millions of deaths they have caused in countries that have tried them.

US citizens believe that our country is good and work together to make it better.

We embrace the high bar of competency instead of the soft bigotry of DEI.

We recognize people's glorious potential to reach that high bar and equip them to do so.

Calling out one group of people as inherently racist is recognized for what it is: racism.

Four young adults on the beach waving U.S. flags

People in our country who burn our flag promptly find a more diverse, tolerant, and progressive country to move to.

Leaders do not support terrorist groups either in the U.S. or outside it.

Leaders support Israel.

The call for love and kindness is not used as a bludgeoning tool to stifle the speech of those with dissonant views.

Peaceful protest is protected; burning, looting, and harming others while doing so is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Violent criminals are not granted bail.

Predators are not given free access to our country.

Addicts receive free treatment to overcome the debilitating effects of their disease, not clean needles and more drugs to exacerbate it.

Our law enforcement officers are respected and valued.

Only the good guys have guns.

Our cities are clean and safe.

School children are safe from gun violence as well as indoctrination.

School professionals and parents work together for the good of each child. No secrets, no excuses.

Children are not sexualized nor exploited.

Only U.S. citizens vote.

Every citizen's vote is valued, protected, and cast with integrity.

MAn wearing U.S. flag riding bike on the beach, woman carrying U.S. flag

And last but not least, I'd like to live in a world where

Memes and insults do not replace critical thinking and logically composed arguments.

I reserve the right to add to this list as necessary.

Will your vote be a valentine or a chess move? What kind of world do you want to live in? I'd love to hear!

Your Truth Cheerleader,

Sarah 📣

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